February 2nd, 1874

I have just graduated from École Normale Supérieure in Paris.  My professor, Marchef Girard, was a strong believer in equal education.  I was educated in chemistry and other sciences as well as embroidery and bookkeeping.

Other good news, a new university has just been founded.  It is in London and it allows women to study to become doctors.  Prior to this school, women were not allowed to study like men;  there was discrimination towards women's abilities and, thereofore, we were not allowed to be employed into all of the same fields as men.  The medical field was one of the major ones.  Now that the London School of Medicine hosts women doctors, we will be able to show the community more of our skills.  Hopefully we will be able to show how talented and valuable our services are to this community.
-Emmeline Pankhurst

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