Be Aware Suffragettes

My name is Arthur Brighton I am a Luddite.  We too had issues with the government which we tried to resolve; unfortunately we were unsuccessful.  I just wanted to inform you of the action we took and how, instead of aiding our cause, confirmed our failure. 
            It all started when the government enforced the factory system and machines were integrated into the workforce.  Our handy-work skills were no longer needed, our expertise forgotten; we had been replaced by lumps of metal.  So, a group of us got together and formed ‘The Luddites’.
            Our game plan was intimidation and violence.  To make sure we were taken seriously we created a fake identity called General Ludd.  He was our leader and the government had no idea that he was nonexistent.  General Ludd would send government officials threatening letters to enhance our seriousness.  This, however, turned out to be a burden to our cause.  When the government proposed to meet our ‘General’ we had to refuse since he was not actually a person.  We came up with excuse after excuse; this led the government to feel that we were playing with them.
            Our second failure, which I believe you will find most interesting, was our use of violence.  Reading your forums I can see that you are encouraging violence and are going full speed ahead with your attacks.  However, the government will see you as unstable rather than strong, especially since your cause is suffrage.  You want the government to believe that you are a vital attribute to Britain; rather than a burden which is where I think us Luddites went wrong with our revolution.

            All I would say is to stop vandolizing shops and other destructive statements.  You need to think more realistically.  Try to go back to the method that Millicent Fawcett was taking.  You need to create a peace between yourselves and the government.
            I cannot advise you anymore, all I can say is to make wise choices.  The government is not fair, they are sly.  They will find ways which they can fault your campaign.  Perhaps if you can prove your dedication to the country, you will be rewarded.
Good luck, Arthur Brighton 

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